
Showing posts from 2019

Guitar-Driven Music of Art Greenhaw Records and Studio Knights

Grammy-Winning and 8-Time Grammy Nominated Art Greenhaw Records is known for its guitar-driven recordings oftentimes engineered by Josh Knight/Studio Knights and by its roster of artists including Nokie Edwards, Art Greenhaw, Josh Knight, Jerry Elliott, Marvin "Smokey" Montgomery, Robert Shumy, The Salty Dogs, Jim Baker, and Tom Brumley (steel guitar). In this rare photo from the Art Greenhaw Records vaults, there was a gathering at Grammy Award Week in Los Angeles of Grammy-recognized guitarists. In this photo are Nokie Edwards, Albert Lee, Art Greenhaw, Jim Baker, and Mason Williams (composer of "Classical Gas"). Can you spot them all?

World Premiere - Celebrating 90 Years of the Historic Light Crust Doughboys

World Premiere of Light Crust Doughboys 90th Ann. Big Show Band & Revue! Covering the 20th Century of Texas-style Country and American music with the famous hit songs of the legendary Texas string band coupled with a sprinkling of country blues horns and soulful ensemble vocals--Branson-style! Box office: 1-800-340-9703 - Click here to read Mesquite News article -

Josh Knight and Daughter Show Support: Jay Knight Photography – Grand Opening

Jay Knight Photography - Grand Opening - With the Mesquite Chamber of Commerce It was a beautiful day and the sun was shining on the Grand Opening of Jay Knight Photography. City officials along with the Mesquite Chamber of Commerce showed support on the 12 th day of September with a special meet and greet/ribbon cutting. Also in the crowd was Knight’s son, Josh Knight and granddaughter, Amaris Knight. Mayor Stan Pickett arrived… took photos and congratulated the new business. Posted later on a social media site, Facebook… Mesquite Chamber of Commerce - Jay Knight Photography Mayor Stan Pickett with Jay Knight, Son Josh Knight, and Mustangs Leader   Council member Bruce Archer recalled the event by saying, “ Super congrats to Jay Knight upon the grand opening of his photography studio! Another Mesquite business popping up—let’s keep working hard to get more!!!! Good job Mesquite Chamber of Commerce! I believe in Mesquite!”   Dan Aleman, Jay Knight, a...

HOT - NEW RELEASE: Josh Knight Records at the Historic Gunter Hotel in San Antonio

Josh Knight - Sessions at the Gunter Hotel: Inside Room 414 (Full 16 Track Album) Along with the Gunter staff and hotel ownership – Josh Knight records in the corner of room 414. Every song Robert Johnson recorded – Knight recorded too – on the same days and in the same spot! This is your chance to own a piece of history – recorded together at the same time with only one guitar and vocal take – with absolutely no sound enhancements, edits, or effects. Using only the corner, “corner loading”, you can hear the natural sound of the room! -        Purchase Physical Copies by clicking here -        Purchase Digital Copies by clicking here Josh Knight - Sessions at the Gunter Hotel: Inside Room 414 (Full 16 Track Album)   Label Notes: 82 years after the late great Robert Johnson records at the Gunter Hotel , I got the chance to step into the corner of room 414 !   Let me...

Josh Knight Receives Recognition Award from the City of Marfa Texas

Josh Knight with Marfa City Officials at the 2019 Marfa Lights Festival (Holding Recognition Award) *Photo Credit: Vanessa S. Knight  It was a hot afternoon in Marfa Texas as the 2019 Marfa Lights Festival started up. Josh Knight , a Dallas native, Mesquite High School graduate, and Full Sail University alumni , gets awarded from the city of Marfa Texas, Chamber of Commerce for creating the city’s 33 rd Annual Marfa Lights Festival official logo. Logo Design by Joshua J. Knight for the 33rd Marfa Lights Festival - Sept. 2019  “I heard about the contest when learning about the cities mysterious lights, and thought, what better way to visit the city of Marfa - to put in for the contest, and I won. I’m very great-full to of had this opportunity, super amazing to see people wearing my design”. – Josh Knight Certificate of Recognition (Joshua J. Knight) City of Marfa Texas - Sept. 2019 Marfa Lights Festival - Sept. 2019 (Photo Credit: Vanessa S Knig...

HOT NEW RELEASE! The Very Best of Lucien Leinfelder: The Pianist Master Collection

  The Very Best of Lucien Leinfelder: The Pianist Master Collection (Exclusive Signature Series Box Set) A must for the music library of every pianist and would-be-pianist, American piano great Lucien Leinfelder toured the world as a virtuoso stage pianist, and then went on to world acclaim as a university piano teacher to young, gifted students and a master visual artist/painter. This 2-disc, masterful collection features disc 1 , audio CD music album, disc 2 , Lucien documentary DVD . 20 years ago, Lucien was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease and through the very year of his earthly passing in 2018, he miraculously played on in weekly concerts that amazed the medical profession and inspired patients the world over. Be uplifted and motivated by this beautiful story of the pianist who never gave up/never gave in and who has been dubbed "the pianist with the hands of an angel".   "Quotes" "...the pianist possesses a jew...

HOT NEW RELEASE - Light Crust Doughboys: 90th Anniversary Album: 90 Songs, 90 Years

The quintessential Texas band , the number one Texas legacy country music ensemble, The Light Crust Doughboys , journey into their 90th Anniversary season with fabulous "Yesterday and Today" stage shows presented by Elvis Presley Show tour producer-director Charles Stone and this companion, career 4-disc CD PLUS 2-disc DVD set . Light Crust Doughboys: 90th Anniversary Album: 90 Songs, 90 Years (Vintage Box Set)   This fabulous 90 song band retrospective chronicles historically the 2 main eras of The Light Crust Doughboys: the band led by Marvin "Smokey" Montgomery" era, the band led by Art Greenhaw era. Fans will take special note of the many "firsts" introduced to the Americana country music and record world via The Light Crust Doughboys and chronicled in the 4 discs presented here. Light Crust Doughboys: 90th Anniversary Album: 90 Songs, 90 Years (Vintage Box Set)

Studio Knights Releases: Bushwick Bill, the Last Studio Session (Single)

Bushwick Bill, Trilla 4 Rilla, & Josh Knight (No Hands Like A Bluetooth) Album Cover Bushwick Bill (December 8th, 1966 – June 9th, 2019) I got a text from James Bembry (radio personality) on a hot May night in 2018 that said Bushwick Bill wanted to come to the studio and lay it down. He was excited to get this song laid down so we had to get on it quick. I was more than happy to open my studio home and have him and his crew lay down one of the last studio recordings that Bushwick Bill would have recorded; and first single after his passing early this summer in 2019. We were honored to have him share his creative mind-set in music and in life. He viewed everything in a poetic way… may you forever rest in peace. He said “add some of your guitar to it and get it out to the people.” I’m only sorry I didn’t get this finished sooner for you my friend, this one is for you - Bushwick Bill (May you forever be in peace my brother). Bushwick Bill -(born Richard Stephen ...

Pauly Shore: "Inside the Wiezel's Studio"

Pauly Shore sits down for an intimate conversation about his life, career, ups and downs, growing up at The World Famous Comedy Store, MTV days, Playboy Mansion... This is not a traditional stand-up comedy show. It's "Inside the Wiezel's Studio"! Promotional Poster Created by Joshua J. Knight at Studio Knights in Mesquite, TX.  (For Pauly Shore)

Comic-Book Signing in Roswell, NM - Baby Alien Comic - 2019 UFO FEST

At the 2019 UFO Festival , inside Alien Invasion novelty souvenir shop, Amaris Knight and comic-book team sign autographs for visitors. Amaris Knight inside Alien Invasion - 2019 UFO Festival - Roswell, NM Amaris Knight signing NEW Baby Alien Comicbook This new comic-book is the second part of the first story that was released at the 2018 UFO Festival. Some visitors this year were repeat lovers from the first release. Guest seemed to enjoy seeing a comic-book that is actually based on the town itself, tourist felt they were taking home a piece of the town with them.  The creator of the Baby Alien comics was 5 years old at the first release (now 7). Amaris and her father, Josh Knight , uses this time together as a bonding moment and love spending time together creating comic-books that people enjoy. Next year, at the 2020 UFO Festival , the new release will be a trilogy set. Amaris Knight inside Alien Invasion - 2019 UFO Festival - Roswell, NM ...

Bushwick Bill of the Geto Boys - Leaves Behind Never Released Recordings at SK RECORDS

Bushwick Bill of the Geto Boys - Hanging out Inside Studio Knights - Mesquite, TX Bushwick Bill of the Geto Boys leaves never-released material at Studio Knights , a recording studio in Mesquite, Texas. Bushwick Bill with Josh Knight and Friends at the Historic Downtown Mesquite, TX - McWhorter/Greenhaw Building - Bushwick stopped by and stayed over-night at the historic downtown McWhorter/Greenhaw building with friend Josh Knight, Mesquite High Graduate - Class of 2004 and Full Sail University Alumni (2009-2014). Article by the Rolling Stone Magazine (June 9th, 2019) Bushwick Bill, a member of the Houston rap trio Geto Boys , has died at the age of 52. The rapper born Richard Shaw recently revealed that he had been diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer. “Bushwick Bill passed away peacefully this evening at 9:35 p.m. He was surrounded by his immediate family,” the rapper’s publicist Dawn P. tells Rolling Stone. “There were incorrect previous reports that he ha...

SK RECORDS Artist, Tyrone Vaughan, To Headline the Girrakool Blues Festival in Australia

 SK Records very own, Tyrone Vaughan, will grace the Girrakool Stage with the Darren Jack Band.  For tickets on the event visit: Girrakool Blues Festival

Studio Knights Releases Second Edition Comic-Book of Baby Alien: Life In Roswell, NM

Studio Knights will release the second edition of Baby Alien comic at this years annual Roswell UFO Festival ... quantities are limited and will sell out..! Baby Alien: Life In Roswell, NM - Comic book - 2019 Roswell, NM - UFO Festival Exclusive ONLY SOLD AT ALIEN INVASION IN ROSWELL, NM Eddie Macias Sr., Amaris Knight, and Josh Knight - Comic-Book Signing at the 2019 UFO FESTIVAL in Roswell, New Mexico - Alien Invasion T-Shirts and More

The Light Crust Doughboys - Yesterday and Today - NOW ON TOUR WORLDWIDE!

"Charles Stone (Elvis Presley Show Tour Producer-Director) Presents"       90th Anniversary Stage Shows debut in 2019: "The Light Crust Doughboys Are On the Air" Big Show Band and Revue celebrating The Light Crust Doughboys blending of rural country and urban blues since 1931 in Dallas, Texas' historical Deep Ellum music district; - 1st country band to draw crowds of 10,000+ in Texas and 15,000+ in Arkansas; - 1st country band to travel in a custom bus (bus cost: $50,000. in 1935 dollars which is $937,000. in 2019 dollars); - 1st country band to "go electric" with electric guitars in 1936; - 1st country band to blend rural country with urban blues in Dallas, Texas Deep Ellum venues; - 1st country band to have its popularity propel its leader-announcer to the office of Governor (W. Lee O'Daniel, State of Texas Governor); - 1st band to be inducted into the Texas Western Swing Hall of Fame; - World record for most Grammy Awa...

Actor/Comedian Pauly Shore Joins Studio Knights This Year!

  Pauly Shore hits the new list of artist on the Studio Knights galaxy this year!  Make sure to get tickets as he hits the road - at a comedy venue near you! Pauly Shore with Josh Knight (Photo Bombed by Sandy Danto)

Josh Knight Records at the Gunter Hotel in San Antonio Texas

Robert Leroy Johnson recorded 16 songs at the Gunter Hotel in November of 1936. He became known as the King of the Delta Blues Singers. Original Robert Johnson Album - Recordings - 1936 Inside Room 414 - Gunter Hotel - Nov. 2019 When visiting San Antonio several years ago, Josh Knight decided to study the intricate sound and delta croon of Johnson’s style. Knight is recording these same songs on the days Johnson recorded with support of The Sheraton Gunter Hotel staff. One of the Only Photos Known of Robert Johnson Josh Knight - After Recording - Nov. 2019