Comic-Book Signing in Roswell, NM - Baby Alien Comic - 2019 UFO FEST

At the 2019 UFO Festival, inside Alien Invasion novelty souvenir shop, Amaris Knight and comic-book team sign autographs for visitors.
Amaris Knight inside Alien Invasion - 2019 UFO Festival - Roswell, NM

Amaris Knight signing NEW Baby Alien Comicbook
This new comic-book is the second part of the first story that was released at the 2018 UFO Festival. Some visitors this year were repeat lovers from the first release. Guest seemed to enjoy seeing a comic-book that is actually based on the town itself, tourist felt they were taking home a piece of the town with them. 

The creator of the Baby Alien comics was 5 years old at the first release (now 7). Amaris and her father, Josh Knight, uses this time together as a bonding moment and love spending time together creating comic-books that people enjoy.
Next year, at the 2020 UFO Festival, the new release will be a trilogy set.
Amaris Knight inside Alien Invasion - 2019 UFO Festival - Roswell, NM


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