HOT - NEW RELEASE: Josh Knight Records at the Historic Gunter Hotel in San Antonio

Josh Knight - Sessions at the Gunter Hotel: Inside Room 414 (Full 16 Track Album)
Along with the Gunter staff and hotel ownership – Josh Knight records in the corner of room 414. Every song Robert Johnson recorded – Knight recorded too – on the same days and in the same spot!

This is your chance to own a piece of history – recorded together at the same time with only one guitar and vocal take – with absolutely no sound enhancements, edits, or effects. Using only the corner, “corner loading”, you can hear the natural sound of the room!

Josh Knight - Sessions at the Gunter Hotel: Inside Room 414 (Full 16 Track Album)
  Label Notes:

82 years after the late great Robert Johnson records at the Gunter Hotel, I got the chance to step into the corner of room 414! 

Let me start out by saying that the purpose of this recording wasn’t to fully imitate Robert Johnson. As Jimi Hendrix once mentioned, “I’ve been imitated so well I’ve heard people copy my mistakes.” Though I’m sure you’ll hear mistakes that I’ve copied and hear some of my own mistakes, this album is if anything, a tribute or commemoration of Johnson’s original works of art.

I recorded the album ‘raw’ and all at the same time, “not track on track.” I didn’t hide anything.  Even though this album is much cleaner than the RJ recordings in the 30’s, we are now in a digital age of technology. Set that aside and you’ll still hear the talking of the busy crossroads of E. Houston St. and N. Saint Mary’s St.  In fact, there were lots of times that it was too loud and I had to stop and start over again. Cars, buses and big trucks passing by along with your friendly neighborhood ‘boom-boxing’ vehicles made for an interesting week.

My hope is that you really enjoy listening to the album as I’ve enjoyed recording it.  I was in good company during the recording and could feel the musical spirit of Johnson as I closed my eyes and dived into the corner that so many before and after me will do!

Learning the music of Robert Johnson would not of been possible without the help of Tom Feldmann. If you get inspired by this recording and would like to learn the Delta croon of Johnson, then I would recommend Tom, as he will walk you through step-by-step instruction either in person or through video.

I will say, I had blended Tom’s style with RJ’s, and mine, and even then - - still missed some in between… much gratitude and gratefulness to my fans, friends and family for continuing to support my music and me! 

Thank you Tom Feldmann. Your dedication and direction really served me well.

© 2019. All Rights Reserved. Joshua J. Knight, Studio Knights in Mesquite Texas. SK RECORDS INC.


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